Northside Church of Christ: Leadership
The leadership of Northside is dedicated to the study and application of scripture to make healthy decisions for the body that worships here. Our elders work hard to be good stewards and manage the congregation's resources in a responsible manner. The spiritual welfare of the congregation is our utmost concern.
Please express any general concerns to any of our leadership. For any specific concerns, please convey them to the Elder or Deacon to which they directly apply.
Elder: Chris Borland
Elder: Nelson Moore
Elder: Eric Wharton
Elder: Charlie Scott
Deacon: Randy Eubank
Elder: Chris Borland
Chris serves as Worship Leader and oversees the technology in the building. He helps us with long term planning and organizing our leadership meetings and goals, as well as supervising the finances of the church.
Elder: Nelson Moore
Nelson helps supervise the building and grounds as well helping supervise the church's finances.
Elder: Eric Wharton
Eric teaches, preaches, and leads singing. He helps our young men by leading a training class. He supervises the teaching and curriculum in our Bible Classes.
Elder: Charlie Scott
Charlie brings a wealth of experience to the leadership team. He preaches and leads singing to help our congregation.
Deacon: Randy Eubank
Randy is a great resource for education and planning. He helps us keep a safe worship and study environment.
Deacon: Matthew Winget
Matt is helping us in the areas of worship, security, and just about anything we need from him.
Deacon: David Rowin
David uses his special building talents in taking care of our facilities. He also supervises assisting members getting to and from the church building.